
Weakness Symptoms

Our neck is a complex web of interconnected structure that consists of nerves, bones, joints, tendons, muscles and ligaments. Our neck plays an important role in guiding our body with movements. It is responsible for holding the weight of our head which is around 5 lb as well controlling movements like moving the head from side to side as well as up and down. It performs a lot of functions and that is why even a little added strain or pressure on the neck can cause pain as well as weakness which may hinder with the normal function of the cervical column.

The symptoms of neck weakness can help your doctor diagnose your problem and start with the right course of treatment. These neck pain symptoms include:

  • Muscles ache and muscle spasms – the muscle in the neck feel painful, knotted and stiff as well as tender to touch. These spasms and aches cause the patient pain which in turn results in difficulty in moving the neck
  • Neck weakness accompanied by stiffness – Weakness is often accompanied by stiffness, this condition makes it very difficult as well as painful; to move your neck
  • Headaches and nerve pain
  • Reduced range of motion

Neck Weakness Causes

neckpaincervicalNeck pain as well as weakness can be caused due to a variety of reasons. Let us take a look at some of the most common causes of neck weakness as well as pain:

  • Muscle pull or muscle strain
  • Whiplash
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Herniated disc or ruptured disc
  • Cervical spondylosis
  • Cervical spinal canal stenosis

If the cause of neck pain and weakness is not severe then it tends to get better on its own, however in certain cases the patient may require treatment. Usually conservative treatment works well however certain severe cases may require neck pain surgery.