Neck Surgery Causes

What is neck pain?

Neck pain or pain in the cervical region of the neck column is something that most of us have gone through at one point or the other. The neck region or the cervical region of the spine is the upper most region of the spinal column and is responsible for bearing the weight of the head as well as its movements. That is why any additional stress or injury can cause an individual discomfort as well as pain in this region.

Most of the time neck pain may be caused by simple stress or a small injury, however there are cases where this pain is an alarm signal for a deeper and more serious problem. When neck pain persists for long time (more than 4-6 weeks) and starts hindering your regular day to day activities, then it may be time you get in touch with a specialist dealing with cervical spinal disorders like a neck surgeon.

Common Neck Surgery Causes

Neck Surgery Causes Old WomanMost of the time, neck surgeons only take up neck surgery as an option when all the conservative or non-surgical treatment options fail to provide any relief in neck pain and when they have the accurate diagnosis of the pain causing anatomic lesion. Let us take a look at the possible and the most common causes of neck surgery:

  • Arthritis – Arthritis is a medical condition that is characterized by the painful swelling and inflammation of one or more joints. Arthritis gets worse with age and stiffness as well as join pain are its main symptoms.
  • Bone Spurs- Also known as osteophytes, bone spurs develop at the edges of the bone most often at the points where bones meet each other. These bone spurs can often form in the bones of the spine that in turn cause pain.
  • Spinal Instability – This is defined as the increased or painful motion between the vertebrae.
  • Myelopathy – This disorder can be briefly described as any neurological deficit of the spine.

Finding a Neck Surgeon in Houston

Neck surgery is a very critical decision to take and it requires the best possible medical care under the care of the most experienced and well-recommended neck surgeons.


Give your neck the care of the best in the field with our help. Just fill the form below or call us at (888) 779-8716 and let us help you find the best neck surgeons in Houston in the most convenient manner possible.