Fractures and Dislocations

Cervical Fractures

Cervical fracture is also known as broken neck and is a severe and catastrophic breakage of any of the seven vertebrae situated in the cervical column of the spinal cord.  The most common causes of these cervical fractures are automobile accident as well as diving into shallow water. This type of fracture not only causes neck pain but may even result in loss of sensation, paralysis and in severe cases even death.

Cervical Fracture Symptoms

  • Neck pain and muscle spasms in the neck
  • Swelling and tenderness in the neck region
  • Having trouble in swallowing
  • Loss of consciousness or seeing double
  • Numbness as well as tingling at the base of the head
  • Pins & needles sensation as well as loss of feeling in arms and legs

Cervical Dislocation

Fractures and DislocationsCervical dislocation is a condition that often takes place after a traumatic injury to the neck or the head.  This is type of injury usually happens when a person falls or jerks or twist his head after a automobile accident. Most of the time dislocation happens in combination with fractured vertebrae.  Dislocation diagnosis as well as classification is done as either stable as well as unstable and depends upon the destruction of the soft tissues that surrounds the joint.

Cervical Dislocation Symptoms


  • Sudden radiating neck pain
  • Pain that trickles down to arm and shoulder
  • Tingling and numbness in the arm
  • Muscle spasms in the neck
  • Visible deformity
  • Weakness in the arms

Fracture and Dislocation Diagnosis

Dislocation as well as fracture diagnosis is done through imaging tests like CT scan, X-rays as well as MRI scan. The specialist may also order neurological exams to assess the injuries to the spinal cord.

Treatment and Care

The first thing that one must remember in these cases is that the patient must not be moved and complete immobilization of the head and the neck should be done. Usually, medications like NSAIDs are given to the patient to help him deal with the pain, physical therapy and as well as collars and traction are other conservative therapy options for cervical fracture and dislocation.  Neck pain surgery is only recommended in extremely severe cases.