Types of Surgeries Performed

There are various types of spine problems and ailments that people experience; likewise there are various types of surgeries performed to treat neck pain. Not everyone
requires surgery to cure or reduce their neck pain symptoms.  Most cases of cervical pain can be treated with combination of medicine and exercise, physiotherapy, or use of traction, etc. However, if these treatments do not work, finding a neck surgeon and having an operation may be your only option.

Cervical neck surgeries are rare and extremely complicated, since they deal with the higher cervical vertebrae (from C 1 to C 8, with C 1 to C 4 surgeries being the most serious ones).

Common Types of Surgeries Performed for Neck Pain

If your doctor recommends surgery, first get a second opinion from a neck specialist.  However, if after your second opinion and careful consideration you still require surgery, here are a few of the procedures that you may have:

Spinal fusion surgery

The most common surgery for back pain. A spinal fusion surgery is designed to stop the motion at a painful vertebral segment, which in turn should decrease pain generated from the joint. A surgeon joins spinal bones, called vertebrae, together. This restricts motion between the bones and reduces pain. Fusion also limits the stretching of nerves.


This is a surgical procedure that removes a portion of the vertebral bone called the lamina. At its most minimally invasive, the procedure requires only small skin incisions. The back muscles are pushed aside rather than cut and the parts of the vertebra adjacent to the lamina are left intact. Recovery occurs within a few days.

Anterior Cervical Discectomy

The anterior cervical discectomy procedure involves removing the symptomatic disc from an anterior approach without placement of a bone graft. Early studies demonstrated fusion rates that were similar to those of procedures using bone graft.

Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion

A cervical disc herniation can be removed through an anterior approach (through the front of the neck) to relieve spinal cord or nerve root pressure and alleviate corresponding pain, weakness, numbness and tingling.

3D image guided spine surgery

Types of Surgeries PerformedAllows the surgeon to accurately navigate through the delicate anatomy and avoid critical structures in the spine and perform a more minimally invasive procedure. It is valuable because it empowers surgeons to make data-driven decisions. Using intraoperative scans and a technology similar to GPS, surgeons can visualize the patient’s anatomy in 3D and watch the placement of surgical instrumentation throughout the procedure.


Microdiscectomy is done by removing a small portion of the bone over the nerve root and/or disc material from under the nerve root to relieve neural impingement and provide more room for the nerve to heal. A microdiscectomy is typically performed for a herniated lumbar disc and is actually more effective for treating leg pain than lower back pain.

Disc Replacement

The surgeon removes a damaged spinal disc and inserts an artificial disc between the vertebrae. Disc replacement permits continued motion of the spine. It is gaining popularity as an alternative to spinal fusion.

Questions about the Types of Surgeries Performed?

For more information about the types of surgeries that can be performed to reduce or eliminate cervical neck pain or to help find a doctor, give us a call at (888) 779-8716 or contact us using our contact page.