Cervical Spine Treatments

Neck surgery is a very critical decision to make and one that needs to be taken after exploring all the non-surgical treatment options with your neck surgeon.  Most of the time, neck surgeons only go for neck surgery as the last option.  Remember that the main cause of neck surgery is to correct or change the patient’s anatomy like removing a herniated disc and not to look for the source of the pain.

It is true that surgery will be considered when conservative treatment fail, however that is not the only reason for surgery . For a go ahead for the surgery it is mandatory that an identifiable anatomic lesion causing neck pain is also present.

A Guide to Cervical Spine Care

Cervical Spine TreatmentsThe modern world of science has also led to some great advancements in the field of spinal care both technically as well as in the use of spinal instrumentation and implants.  With the help of pre-operative imaging techniques, doctors are now able to identify the cause of pain in the most accurate and correct manner possible.

Neck surgeons now help patients deal with their cervical pain in a successful manner by proper pre-operative diagnosis techniques. Cervical spine care has become a field unto itself with the help of specialized training of the doctors as well enhanced level of neck surgery techniques. This has also led to not only to an increased rate of surgery success but also reduced post-operative discomfort.

Understanding Causes and Treatment Options

Before going for surgery, it is extremely important that the real cause of neck pain is known. Moreover, surgery must only be considered as an option when all the non-surgical or conservative treatment fail to provide any respite to the patient.

The main reasons or causes for cervical surgery are:

  • Decompressing a nerve root
  • Stabilizing a painful or unstable segment
  • Reducing deformity

Apart from surgical options like spinal fusion surgery, the conservative treatment options for cervical pain include:

  • Physical Therapy
  • Pain Medications
  • Chiropractic Manipulation
  • Neck Braces
  • Heat and Ice Therapy

Get in touch with the best neck surgeons without any hitch or complications. Call us at (888) 779-8716 or fill the form given below and we will help you get on the road to recovery as soon as possible.