
Neck pain is a common medical condition that mostly all of us suffer during our lifetime.

However, when neck pain is unbearable and lasts for a long period of time than it may be a signal for a severe disorder like degenerative disc disease or spondylitis.


Spinal surgery is not usually the first choice of a doctor who specializes in spinal injuries as the risk of complications is too high. Chiropractic treatment is now becoming the first choice for people suffering from neck pains and is steadily overtaking the neck pain surgery option.

Chiropractic Neck Pain Treatment

The chiropractic expectations as well as popularity can simply be proven by the fact that almost 8 percent of the adult population of the country and 3 percent of children population go for this chiropractic care for spinal or neck pain.


For the treatment of neck pain, a process known as cervical manipulation that put simply is chiropractic neck adjustments is used. These adjustments help reduce the pain which is caused by muscle spasms and pinched nerves by loosening up the joints present in the cervical vertebrae of the neck. The physicians snap the vertebrae back into alignment by sharply twisting the neck.

Chiropractic Physicians – What to Expect

Cervical Neck Treatment Smiling DocA chiropractic specialist or physician is properly trained and understands the spine and its related problems deeply. He is also an expert in diagnosing the root causes of spinal injuries as well as neck pain by the help of diagnostic exams, x-rays as well as physical examinations.


Usually a chiropractic physician provides a patient a careful designed exercised program which may include exercises the patient can do on his own or under the watchful eye of the physician. Most of the chiropractic professionals do not include medications as a part of their treatment plan.


As every spinal injury is different in nature, the chiropractic treatment will also differ from patient to patient. Chiropractors usually go for various treatment plans that includes exercises, gentle stimulation, gentle relaxing manipulation and muscle relaxation.