Long lasting or chronic neck pain can be extremely uncomfortable to deal with and may result in depression and anxiety making it quite difficult for a person to go on with his life normally. This is why examination from a doctor and proper diagnosis of the problem is mandatory so that a proper treatment can be decided upon for the condition.
Usually patients as well as doctors likely choice of treatment are non surgical options if the problem can be treated without a surgical procedure. There are different types of non-surgical treatment options for neck pain. The most popular and commonly used non surgical treatment options are:
Physical therapy for neck pains is often a carefully planned fusion of graded exercises as well as manual techniques which helps in building up the muscle ability as well increase the range of motion. This therapy often includes the use of weights as well as other devices for the treatment of pain. Physiotherapy can take place in a clinic, rehab center, wound center or a hospital as well as a patient’s home or work place
Epidurals spinal injections
This non–surgical treatment option is used to provide a patient suffering from chronic neck pain short-term or long-term relief from the pain. Epidural injections are usually an anti-inflammatory injection where an anesthetic is combined with a steroid and is administered directly around the area causing the pain.
Apart from injections, neck pain treatment also includes medications that are taken orally. Medications taken for the treatment of neck pain are:
- Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Medications (NSAIDs)
- Opioid Therapy
- Psychiatric or Mood-Altering Medications
Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic is a combination of two Greek words that means “done by hands”. This technique for the treatment of pain is extremely popular in the United States and according to survey reports almost 40 million Americans use Chiropractic adjustment as a regular treatment option for cervical spine pain.