Cervical Neck Treatments

Cervical neck disorders can make normal life quite difficult for a person as they are not just painful but also hinder the normal functioning of the body especially the neck. Cervical neck conditions that lead to neck pain can be caused by a variety of conditions as well as syndromes. These syndromes and negative conditions have an extremely negative impact on the cervical spine. These conditions require specific type of cervical neck treatments as they all vary depending upon the type of injury as well the place in the cervical neck that has been injured.

Common Cervical Neck Conditions

Some of the most general cervical neck conditions are:

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Cervical Neck TreatmentsRheumatoid arthritis in the cervical spine is usually caused by neurological deficits that the patients suffer from. Rheumatoid arthritis results in neck pain specifically occipital pain as well as myelopathy. This disorder is a serious cervical spine condition and if it is an advanced stage case then the patient may also require surgery immediately.

Occipito Cervical Junction

This condition is commonly found in patients who are already suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. This disorder often results in hyper-mobility in the connection between the neck and head which can in turn lead to not just pain but also paralysis.

Cerebrovascular Disease

This type of cervical neck disorder can cause tetraplegia.

Types of Cervical Neck Treatments

Usually doctors prefer conservative treatment options for neck pain. These treatment options usually include physical therapy exercises, massages, chiropractic, acupuncture, medications, epidural injections as well as neck fixation through neck brace.

However, in cases like cervical neck stenosis or degenerative disc disease the nerves of the spine are involved and that is why surgery becomes a necessity.

What to Expect after Receiving Cervical Neck Treatment

If you have had a surgery for your neck pain then your doctor will probably give you pain medications intravenously.  Apart from this, a patient recovering from cervical spine pain is usually are recommended to keep a healthy diet and to keep away from harmful habits like smoking.  You will also be required to take up physical therapy so that your problem does not surface again.